Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Gift Ideas That Will Make Your BFF Want To Hug You

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Friendship is an interesting kind of love. Best friends are such a gift in life, and it is important to make time and find ways to surprise your best friend to remind them how special they are. Here are some awesome gifts ideas that will make your BFF want to hug you:

1. Plan a trip to a place she loves without telling her in advance. Taking a trip with your best friend can be one of the most amazing and exhilarating experiences. Memories are forever.

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2. BFF Necklaces or Bracelets.  Let her know how much her friendship means to you with BFF Necklaces/bracelets.

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3. Give her personalized greeting cards. Words matter. Tell her how you really feel, how much she means to you and remind her of how amazing she is. For sure, she will keep the card so, make sure she can look back on it with a smile.

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4. SPA Treatment. Every girl deserves a little pampering. Send her a gift certificate to a spa wherein she can choose what services she wants. Want to make her day even more special? --- make a girls day out and join her. She would definitely love this gift idea.

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5. Eat together. If you can cook delicious foods, you can invite her to your house but if you are not confident enough, you can just invite her to hang out, talk and enjoy eating together. She will surely like it. 

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6. Leave her a note, you don’t even have to say too much, just write why you think she’s amazing and how much she means to you. Little surprises notes are fun for everyone.

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7. We all know that women love flowers, so why not send some to your best friend to show how special she is.

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I feel awesome when someone is making an effort to make me smile. It doesn't matter how little or big a gift costs; it’s the thoughts that count.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Greeting Cards: More Than Meets The Eye

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With the Father’s Day celebration last June, greeting card stores have surely went from blah days to Roar days due to the sudden flow of people.

Though, the numbers of greeting cards buying people have decreased recently with the popularity of e-cards and different social media platforms that allowed anyone to greet their loved ones easier and faster, we cannot deny that there are still those who go the extra mile.

However, despite of that, sometimes the true essence of exchanging greeting cards gets set aside for superficial reasons. We tend to focus on the design of the card, on how it would “look” rather than how the receiver would “feel” with what’s written on it.

Don’t get this wrong, it’s an honor to receive a well-crafted card, but I’d like to believe than we still value the message that comes along with it. I, personally, am more excited to know what the sender of the card has to say.

So, why don’t you, for a change, pay more attention on crafting a heartfelt message. It doesn’t matter how short or long, as long as it comes from the heart.

Friday, June 19, 2015


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Ramadan is more than a day, for Muslims this religious holiday is a season lasting in 2015 in Singapore from Thursday, the 18th of June and will continue for 30 days until Friday, July 17th of July. Muslims around the world observes the dawn-to-dusk fast for the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection. Muslims do good deeds and acts of charity, pray and fast from sunrise to sunset. It is a very special time of the year.

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During the fast, no food or drink is consumed, and thoughts must be kept pure. Muslims believe that fasting helps them to learn patience, modesty, and spirituality. Meals are served before sunrise and after sunset, and usually shared with family or with the local community.

The leaders in various emirates pardon a number of prison inmates on the first day of Ramadan. Some are also released for the month of Ramadan to spend time with their family. Islam is a tolerant religion and respects people of all races, cultures and religions. Non-Muslims are in no way forced to follow Islamic traditions during the month of Ramadan. However, as a sign of respect to the host country, guests are asked to refrain from consuming food, drinks, chewing gum and smoking in public during the fasting hours of the day (dawn to dusk).

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Plog wishes you Eid Mubarak and an easy fasting as you observe this important holiday.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


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In a relationship, it is very important for guys to be expressive. You should know how to show your girlfriend that you love her. A girlfriend may want many things but, there are few things that can make a difference, this is it.  Find out here.

Girls love compliments
 When you see her tell her she looks beautiful and then kiss her on the forehead and hug her tight --- a soul searching hug;  like you will never let go, feel your hearts beat, your breaths. It will invoke as a symbol of your bond.

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If you love her you wouldn't be afraid to tell the world
Don’t be afraid to introduce her as your Girlfriend. You can post a picture of you and your girlfriend on Facebook. Tag her in a status, change your relationship status etc. Every little thing that shows your affection makes her feel more secure. Everyone may know that you love her! However, if she is a very private person, this may make her uncomfortable.

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She is independent, but she still likes you to be around
Do something that you really hate to do, but that you know makes her happy. She will feel special. For most girls, shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist – it is a not just simple act based on simple human needs it can also serve as entertainment and therapy. So, helping her to go shopping will make her feel loved.

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Let her know that she is important to you
Remember her birthday, your anniversary, things like that. Research shows that marking important anniversaries can actually help strengthen relationships. Celebrations are important for creating new memories. Relationships are built on memories and without them couples can actually find they run out of things to talk about.

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She wants to be with you
Always tell her how much you need her, and take her out to watch the stars and appreciate the gift of nature, Take her for a hike or a long walk together, organize a romantic picnic on the beach and/or Plan a trip to a nice city without telling her in advance. Take her to a place she loves most.

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Make her love you with flowers
Show you love her with a bouquet of flowers. It will increase her affection for you, and make her feel like she's still the most important person in your life. When you give her flowers it is also a good idea to give her greetingcards to make her day more special.

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Girls love surprises
Surprise her with a box of chocolates (preferably heart-shaped) and a movie date night at home. Success guaranteed! Girls love surprises. No matter how little or big that surprise it. We just love it. It makes our heart weak to receive an unexpected gift from the guy we love.

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Give her something from your heart
Write your girlfriend a poem or love letters in which you express how she makes you smile every day and how much you love her. She will love them and cherish what you have done. Presents from the heart are the best!

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Exert an effort to make her smile
Sing romantic songs to her, even if your voice is horrible. Singing can be an opportunity for both of you to laugh. Girls love it when you show crazy efforts. Girls love it when you do things just to show you love them.

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Making the effort counts the most. It doesn't have to be expensive it just has to be from the heart -- little things like that go a long way. It’s a plus factor when guys do simple things that can make a girl smile in an instant. It's never too late to start doing things that surprise your girlfriend and tell her that you love her.

Friday, June 5, 2015

10 Romantic Date Ideas

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Date Ideas. Are you planning to surprise your partner with romantic date? It’s hard to come up with romantic date ideas on a regular basis, no matter how creative you are. So, we’ve made an awesome romantic date ideas to help you.

1. Watch a sunset together. Or, if you like waking up early, a sunrise.

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2. Have a dinner together. Eating together is a good bonding. You can also light up as many candles as how long you have been together with your partner to add some sweetness.

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3. See a movie. Take her to see a romantic movie and remember the parts she really liked. 

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4. Take a long walk together.  You already have each other so, you don't need a destination just hold her hand. Aww!

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5. Go on a picnic. Pick your girlfriend up from her college or work place, don't tell her where you are heading but just take her to some place special.

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6. Go to a concert. Go see some local band in your town or in a big dome. She will surely love it!

Greeting Cards

7. Stay in and cuddle. Locked the door and leave the world outside! You can scatter flower petals in the bed and put greeting cards to tell her how much you love her. She will love it!

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8. Go to the botanical gardens.  Everything smells and looks amazing with beautiful flowers. Nothing is better.

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9. Take a hot air balloon ride. Romantic picnic… in the air.

Greeting cards

10. Go hiking.  Explore and discover the beauty of the nature together.

Greeting cards

Love is enjoying simple things together. If you've never done this, now's the time. And she'll surely love you more than ever.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Creative Ways To Say I Love You

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Being in love is the world’s best feeling that anyone can have. When you’re in love, everything looks beautiful; everything looks calm; everything looks right. When you love someone, it becomes very important for you to share your feelings. Still, we often forget to show the ones we love how important they are to us. So, here are 10 ways to say “I love you” to your special someone.

1. Revisit a first meeting place or first date and reminisce about what brought you together, what you’ve learned since and what you’re looking forward to together. 

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2. Write out an Alphabet of Appreciation. “You are A for Amazing, B for Beautiful, C for… and so on. 

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3. Handwrite a letter telling why you love someone—and be specific. 

 Greeting cards Singapore

4. Make handmade or online greeting cards. Creative, frame-able and ultra-sweet.

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5. Dedicate and perform song (If you are courageous enough, do it in public) to your beloved.

 greeting cards Singapore

6. “[Your special someone’s Name]” Finally commit and get that arms/lower back tattoo you’ve been considering.

7. Leave little notes or messages everywhere, for example at the mirror of your sweetie's car, etc. It happened to me, I'll always remember.

 greeting cards Singapore

8. ROAD TRIP! Take your special someone to that place he or she has always truly wanted to go.

 greeting cards Singapore

9. Start the day with a full cup of companionship. Surprise her/him with an early-morning date. Watch the sky light up, go to a favorite breakfast spot and drink coffee.   

 greeting cards Singapore

10. Public Display of Attention (the other PDA). Proudly and sincerely compliment your significant other in front of others.

 Greeting cards Singapore

Don't limit your love to roses and chocolates. Pick one of the suggestions above; just think carefully before attempting number 6.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mother’s Day Gifts That Won’t Break The Bank

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Mother's Day is a perfect time to celebrate your mother and all her wonderful qualities. Looking for gifts or fun ways to celebrate Mother’s Day?

So, of course you want your gifts to be extra special. But unfortunately you’re on a tight budget. Stumped? Don’t be, here are some gift ideas that may not have a hefty price tag but will surely warm the heart of your mother.

This could probably be the most clichéd gift that you could ever give. But unless she’s allergic with pollens, a bunch of these beauties will definitely stretch her lips to a smile.  Besides receiving flowers have always been comforting, not to mention flattering.

Book Or Movie
Yes, Mother’s day recognized and celebrated, but we cannot deny that we’re still struggling with true equality. If you want to see more women kicking ass out there and more people remembering them for it, we’ve got to gain as much knowledge as we can. Gift someone with an empowering book or copy of movie that will help them achieve that.

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Handmade Anything
I gotta tell you this, unless you don’t know it yet, girls are big on handmade anything! Because it shows how much you care for her, sans the theatrics. So either you find a really good store that sells them or you go out of your way and make one, she’ll appreciate it no less.

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DIY Gift Baskets
You’ll always have that practical lady in your life that repels generic gifts which she can’t use. With that, you can always assemble a gift basket filled with products that you know she’ll have a use for.

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Sometimes, a simple reminder of the relationship you have with her is enough. A picture of the two of you that embodies that with a quote or a simple yet meaningful message can mean so much to her.

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You want a gift filled with love that will leave her full? What better gift is there than a home cooked dish or dessert! Bake her favorite cookies or master that dish she always loved but don’t have the time to prepare. You won’t need any assurance that she liked your gift once you see her empty plate!

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Greeting Cards
Busy, on a budget, and yet you still wanna be thoughtful? Greeting cards is your savior! It doesn’t take that much time to send one and I assure you they don’t cost a fortune. But any mothers will absolutely be touched by receiving a card, trust me, I would.

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